What is a Spiritual egg cleanse?
In recent years, a practice called an egg cleansing ritual has gained popularity in the online witchcraft community. This practice can be used to remove negative energy from a toxic energy cord or energy picked up from toxic surroundings or from a partner that may be unhealthy . One might think this is a new, modern practice but in reality, the egg cleanse dates back centuries. And its origins are spread out across cultures. Eggs are a powerful tool in any witch’s or magical practitioner’s repertoire. I will teach you why eggs are a potent ingredient in removing negative energy. PLUS how to do an egg cleansing ritual and how to read the egg afterward.
First, Why Are Egg Cleansing ?
I am one that believes certain practices of our ancestors are passed down over generations, and certain practices are just ingrained in our DNA and spiritual memory. Either way, we have our ancestors to thank for these powerful rituals.
One such ritual is called the egg cleanse. We all know how important it is to cleanse yourself and your space regularly. But why is an egg used as a purifying tool?
Eggs = Protection
That being said, eggs by default are also protective. But think of their actual physical make-up: the egg yolk and whites are contained in a hard, protective shell. Egg magick is both protective and can be used to increase fertility. Eggs actually have a long history of being used in folk magic from various traditions including: African diasporic, Mesoamerican, Romani, German Folk Magic (Pow Wow), and were even used by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Celtic Druids.
Interestingly, reading eggs in water is a form of divination that was part of the folk magic that triggered the Salem Witch vTrials. The slave Tituba taught the young girls how to acquire their future husband’s name by reading eggs. The story goes that one of the girls didn’t see an initial or a face but saw a coffin and thereafter became terrified. And hence began with the hysteria and “fits” that started the entire witch panic of 1692.
So let’s get into it !!!
You can use this technique to cleanse yourself or a person of negative energy, bad luck, or illness. Here’s a basic guide on how to perform an egg cleanse:
### **Materials Needed:**
- A fresh egg (preferably white, to see any markings or abnormalities)
- A glass of water
- A quiet space
- A white candle (optional)
- Incense or sage (optional)
### **Steps:**
1. **Prepare Your Space:**
- Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
- Light a white candle and incense if you wish, to create a calm atmosphere.
Cleanse your egg with lemon water free from toxic energy.
2. **Set Your Intention:**
- Hold the egg in your hands and focus on your intention for the cleanse. You might silently ask the egg to absorb any negative energy, illness, or bad luck.
3. **Cleanse Yourself:**
- Starting at the top of your head, gently rub the egg over your entire body. Make sure to cover all areas, moving slowly from head to toe. You can either do this yourself or have someone else do it for you.
- As you move the egg, visualize it absorbing any negativity, blockages, or unwanted energy.
4. **Dispose of the Egg:**
- Once you have finished, crack the egg into a glass of water. Look at the contents carefully; some believe that the way the egg looks can provide insight into your spiritual state
- Common interpretations include bubbles (trapped energy), cloudy or murky water (negative energy), and strange shapes or patterns (specific issues or influences).See below for details on how to read the egg.
5. **Reflect and Release:**
- Reflect on what you see in the water. This step is intuitive, and the meaning can vary based on your beliefs and experiences.
- Dispose of the egg and water in an appropriate way. Some people prefer to flush it down the toilet, while others may bury it or pour it down a drain.
6. **Cleanse and Protect:**
- After the cleanse, wash your hands thoroughly.
- You might also want to take a cleansing bath with salt or herbs, or use sage or palo santo to further cleanse your space.
### **Additional Tips:**
- It's important to remain calm and focused throughout the process.
- Consider meditating or grounding yourself before and after the cleanse.
- Repeat the cleanse as needed, depending on how you feel.
Always approach spiritual practices with respect and a positive mindset. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, consider consulting with a spiritual healer or shaman who can guide you through the process.
Reading Egg Cleanse Meanings
Once you’ve rubbed the egg all over your body, the next step in the egg cleanse process is to read the egg yolk, whites, and the patterns therein.
After you Crack your egg over a clear glass, half-filled with water.
Let the yolk and whites settle, then gaze through the glass from the side.
You’ll begin to see shapes, patterns, strings, colors, and more. Here’s how to interpret different meanings behind your egg cleanse.
Patterns, Symbols, and Colors in Your Egg Cleanse Cup
Clear or mostly clearmeans you’ve been keeping up with your cleansing methods and wards…it means you don’t have a lot of negative energy affecting you!
Strings of white that go from top to bottom in the water indicate energetic cords that are negative and need to be cleared (if it’s thin, the attachment can be cleared easily but if it’s thick, it might take a longer stint of purification rituals to sever the tie)
Blood in the yolk could mean one of two things (or both simultaneously): the person is ill and/or is being spiritually attacked by a witch/evil eye
Cloudiness in the whites and around the yolk is the actual negative energy you’ve lifted off yourself/the individual
Foul odor also means the person is being spiritually attacked and affected by witchcraft or the evil eye
Actual symbols should be read accordingly. For instance, if you see an eye, we interpret this egg cleanse meaning as someone is watching you or sending you the evil eye. If a scary face is in the white, you may have a ghost or spirit nearby of a malevolent nature
Thick white blob still connected to the yolk typically means the person has another person strongly attached to them and could be feeding off their energy (sometimes the blob appears to look like a little head growing off the yolk itself)
Cobwebs or thready substance around the yolk means you have folks who are envious of you and your endeavors
Thick coating around the yolk could indicate a strong protective shield around the person OR the person is so defensive that they struggle in relationships
Letters or numbersshould also be read accordingly in an egg cleansing reading. Letters could indicate someone’s initials who is throwing magical shade your way OR someone who is attached to you energetically. Numbers could indicate the amount of people who are throwing shade your way, or it could be predicting a future event on a certain date.
Double yolk means one of a few things: a. if you’re pregnant, you’re having twins. Or b. you have a twin soul somewhere out there. Or even c. your soul may have been split in two during a traumatic experience during your life.
If eggshell gets into the cleanse: this means your spiritual protective barriers have been penetrated. Consider learning how to yourself and wear a protective jewelry
If you need help cleansing your energy, consider doing a cord cutting or you are welcome to purchase one at www.scorpiopriestess.com. If I can assist you in anyway in breaking free for a toxic situation, you’re welcome to message me or book a session directly from my website.